Today is Thanksgiving. No big turkey day plans here. We are a dual cultural family, which sometimes makes the traditional American holidays a little different. The hubby isn't particularly fond of turkey, as it wasn't a food he grew up with. Because we don't normally have mashed potatoes and other traditional sides on a regular basis, the kids are not particularly fond of them. On a normal day we will eat a meal that falls somewhere between American, Italian, and Mexican, and most often are Mexican meals. Refried beans and rice have become a staple to our diet. Trying to adhere to a healthier diet, most of our meals are chicken or fish based. It may sound like we don't eat very well, but we do. Creativity is a huge part of meal preparation at our house. Hubby will watch a cooking show on TV and create a dish that is very similar but usually with a twist. When I make a new recipe I usually tweak it according to my family's taste. This usually means adding veggies to whatever it is. We like to add onions to most everything, along with garlic powder or fresh garlic, green peppers when we can, and tomatoes if it is feasible. This is how we get the kiddos to eat veggies. Keeping to this we decided to merge two holiday traditions from two cultures onto Thanksgiving Day.
Our main course will be Tamales. We are making Rojo (red), Verde (green), and Dulce (sweet). The drink of choice will be Atole, which is very similar to hot chocolate. There will also be a creamy corn served. I will be making a pumpkin bread. Our big plans are to sit and relax together as a family. We aren't big football fans either, so we will probably just watch movies all day and play with the kiddos.
On this day I am extremely thankful that we are together as a family. I am thankful that the hubby is here and able to celebrate with us. One year ago we were readjusting to life together after a long deployment. My Mother-In-Law and Father-In-Law were here visiting from Mexico. It was the first time hubby had seen his mom in a year and the first time he had seen his dad in three years. Our daughter had recently turned one, so we had her birthday party during this time.
We did make a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal last year, because his parents wanted to celebrate the holiday. They loved it. We made the turkey, some creamy corn, green beans, and dinner rolls. It was so yummy and so much fun. It was probably only my second time to ever cook a successful turkey.
On this day in 2014, I am thankful that my family is alive and well. That the husband and I are at our 5 1/2 year mark of marriage. That we have a house, two cars, a fridge full of food, and clothes. We don't have all that we may want, but we have exactly what we need. The most important thing that we have is God in our lives and each other. Each day I pray that God will guide us as to how to pay our blessings forward.
I am thankful for being able to live on a military installation, to have this full-on military life experience. Up until just a few months ago we had never lived on post. We lived in an apartment, or in our house in our home state. Here we have a house where our kids can have their own room. The closets are big. I am often humbled when I step into the master closet because I think of how many families in America and around the world would relish having that much space to call a home. My daily goal is to thank God for this blessing. Even I know that not everyone has this opportunity. The home we own is a comfortable three bedroom, but it doesn't have near the space this house has.
It is important for each of us to be thankful for the good and bad in our lives, to ask God to show us how best to pay it forward. It is important for each of us to remain humble to not brag. The temptation is there when you buy a new car, or a house, or even clothes or shoes. But in reality we should not bring attention to these things so as not to appear to be bragging. That is one of the qualities that I love the most about my husband. He has actually been the one to teach me how to be much more humble. God gives and God takes away. We pass things along for others to use, we try to help those in need whenever they pass our way. Again, this is something that the hubby excels at. I often struggle with why I need to help someone asking for help around town, but hubby has a way of knowing who is legit.
I remember one time when we were struggling early in our marriage. Our son had been born early with a lot of medical issues and we were drowning in medical bills. On top of that we were going through the legal process of getting hubby's expired visa issue corrected. Money was tight. We were coming back from Memphis, from a failed immigration meeting, we knew we were going to need to hire a lawyer again. We didn't even know at that point if hubby would be granted a Green Card even after hiring the lawyer again. We stop for gas at this little gas station that was right off I-40. We fed our son, we walked around the little grassy area trying to unwind from that very stressful meeting. We were trying to focus on the now. A man came up to us and said that he had run out of gas and did we have a few dollars. My internal reaction was "Um no, we barely have gas money for us, and we have two kids to feed and do you know what is going on in our lives?" But hubby just reached into his pocket and handed him two dollars without hesitation and no questions asked. I was floored and immediately humbled. So needless to say I pray daily that God will work on me with being selfish and helping me to be more giving.
I am thankful for so many things in my life. Even though it is hard for me to know my son is miles and miles away celebrating this holiday with his Dad, and that I won't see him, and will only talk to him on the phone, I am thankful. Thankful that he has a home and food and family that love him. I miss my parents, my sister, my nieces, I know hubby misses all of his family. But we are both thankful that their needs are met. That they are not lacking of any of the basic needs. God is great and his love abounds. It can be found all around us. Embrace your family today, you don't know when the last time to hug them, or eat a meal with them, or talk to them on the phone will be.
Our riches cannot be defined by the material things people will be fighting over later today in the stores, but rather in each other. I am rich because I have three beautiful children, a charming husband, and both of my parents are still alive. I know it was just leaving my son behind, but I can tell you that it was one of the hardest days in my life. It took months to walk completely out of that darkness and into the light. I had promised him for so long that we were a team, but I didn't have the upper hand, and God had a plan. One that we don't know just yet, but we know will be revealed to us. I could not imagine actually losing my child, because just that pain brought me to my knees. Hug your children be nice to your spouse and above all else give thanks and glory to God.
Isaiah 2:17) And the loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low; and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day. 18) And the idols he shall utterly abolish. 19) And they shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. 20) In that day a man shall cast his idols they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats; 21) To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth.