This week has been a hell of a ride. You name it, it has probably happened. I have felt so emotional all week. Ready to cry one minute and raging the next minute. I swear if someone were to offer me a cigarette I would take it. I would deeply inhale each and every breath. The problem with that, I don't smoke, haven't in six years. The same with alcohol. All week long as I drive the kids to their appointments I have envisioned what I want to drink and to what point. It's been a rough one for sure. I will not give in though. I won't drink just so that I can get through or I can forget.
One morning after the hubby has already woken up our daughter and it still isn't quite 6a.m., hubby goes out to start the car and it is dead. Has plenty of power, it just won't start. So I have to get in and try to steer the nearly impossible to steer car as he pushes it out of the drive way so that he can get the van out of the garage. It is cold, it is dark, and he has a big day ahead of him. One that he was already nervous about. So we get him off to work and it is just the kids and I.
I have a semi cranky toddler and an overly hyper little boy. I am counting down the minutes until his bus comes to whisk him off to school. For around fifteen minutes he is running all through the house being loud and generally annoying me. I am not a coffee drinker, but by this time, I was ready for a black cup of day old coffee. So just as the bus pulls up my son tells me that his hearing aide won't work. I begin to pull out the tiny little tools to see if it is clogged, but I can't get it to work. I send him out the door with just one on.
My daughter has two appointments next on the agenda. Lucky for us they are in our home. They go without a hitch but getting her take a nap afterwards was no easy task. Finally she is napping and I am working on a project for the hubby, one I promised would be done and the it isn't happening. The telephone people show up to install a land line. Oh and they need to install a new internet router for whatever technical reason, I was only half listening because I couldn't hear past he blood boiling in my ears.
They get this done, get the network re-named and now I have a wireless printer that will not connect to the network. The blood is past boiling by this point. I call the company and ask them what can possible be done to fix the huge inconvenience to my day. They can do nothing. I call the printer support line and I have a field day with them, but we get it fixed.
By the end of that day I did have a working printer, the hubby did have the requested land line, I did not get the breads that I wanted to bake done. I made a passable supper I took a shower and I read my book until sleep came.
The next day was somewhat better, somewhat in that hubby has offered to drive us all the way to TN so that I can see my older son. I was flying high on this until he decided that when we go home we should pull up the carpet in our house and lay laminate floors, but hey we can do this right?
And then today I over shot our account when I went to the grocery store to buy a few things. My daughter was cranky and I am still trying to fight her to take a nap, but right when I thought I would make progress the maintenance guy shows up and he is not the least bit quiet. So the one day that I actually would love to take a nap, I see this as not becoming a reality.
But in all things give thanks to the Lord, so despite the fact that I want to eat everything in site and I want to play the angriest music I can find, I am thankful that all of that is a viable option.
Matthew 24:42 Watch therefore; for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come
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