Sunday, August 17, 2014

Comfortable with me

Most people nowadays do not hold to the old saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or that it isn't what is on the outside, but what is on the inside. I prefer to wear as little make up as possible. To let my hair hang wild and free. But I know how to polish it all off when I need to. I hope that through this honest portrayal of my face that maybe some of you too will be able to show your thoughts on yourself. I love to be comfortable, sometimes I feel sexy or soft or put together. I know that I have lines under my eyes sometimes and I know my make up is often so soft it doesn't cover them. But ultimately we all need to love ourselves because God made us just the way we are

This is an unusual post as I wanted to share how I feel and look at various times. The main message here is that we must all come to accept how we look and who we are and be comfortable with that choice. This hasn't always been an easy thing for me to do. As I write this I am on the eve of turning 38 and I am confident enough to realize that this is me and I am happy with me.

Ready for the kids appointments, feeling good, and just a hint of make up
On this particular Saturday I felt soft and very beautiful

 This was another day spent running errands with the kiddos, but I felt like it all came together for me on this day

A lazy Friday spent mostly at home

 Love this shirt, it truly expresses my Southern upbringing

I wear such a little amount of make up that it is often hard to distinguish the difference

Chose Glasses on this day, ready for a day on the town with hubby and kids, the most noticeable part of my make up is my lip gloss
Easy going church look, you can't tell but I've actually got eye shadow and lip gloss along with my BB Cream and powder

An easy day of relaxation, just the kids and I so no make up or contacts

Another day of appointments with the kids, but feeling more like impressing. As you can tell I am really digging the side braid. Full make up here, not that you can tell

Hubby gets Pinned! I wanted to show up and impress him, so I put together this slinky outfit and I felt on top of the world.

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