Sunday, March 8, 2015

Made with Love

Not being an overly craft person, I decided that the kids would make a sign for their father's birthday. I rolled the idea around in my head for about a week before heading to Walmart to buy supplies. Then once I had the supplies I had to figure out what exactly would be made from the supplies.

We woke up on Sunday and I had a plan. I just needed brown figure paint, which was no where to be found on this particular day. I passed up buying a paint set that had more colors than our finger paint set. I also could not find stencils that were the right size which meant I either waited to finish the sign or I used free hand. Free hand was a scary prospect since I have horrible handwriting.

I told the kids that this was the day, we would be making their father's birthday day sign. He worked all night on Saturday, so I knew on Sunday he would sleep in. I was a bad mommy on this day and skipped church. The reason was weak, if we went we would be home about the same time he wakes up and we might not be finished. I wanted time to do it well, to plan it out and work in steps. Sunday was a beautiful day and I wasn't sure what the weather would be like the rest of the week.

Before we left, at this point we were still going to church, I put a coat of cream colored paint on our sign. 

I set it outside on news paper to dry in the warm sunshine. When we came home everyone changed into their art clothes (old pajamas). Then we laid out a lot of news paper on the back patio. I also had a stack of extra for "just in case". I had purchased a washtub at the Dollar Tree, and this I filled with dish soap and warm water.

 I had an old hand towel and dish cloth at the ready also. Then I pulled three Dollar Tree sectioned plates out of my cabinet to use as paint palates. I attempted to make brown paint from the green, yellow, red, blue, but was unsuccessful.

The plan was for the kids to make a "You are My Sunshine" sign. Their feet would be trees and their hands the top of the trees, instead they loosely made tall flowers. There is a sun in the left corner and a crude phrase "Poppy U R Our Sunshine" due to space limitations. I think for a first time big craft project it looks pretty good, although a little rough on the edges.

I painted my son's foot, rinsed, my daughter's foot rinsed, my son painted his own hand, and I painted my daughter's hand. I assisted them with placing their hands and feet on the sign. We did this very slowly and very carefully. I was surprised at how easily it went.

I am fairly certain that their father will be impressed because they made it and also because he knows how much planning and convincing myself that this took. I am not a mess person. I struggle letting the kids into the kitchen. Mess makes me panic and not be able to breathe, but I did this and I know that we will be doing more.

On a side note, I did use my "Mommy's Time Out" oils blend.

Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

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