Saturday, July 11, 2015

Flea Collar and Essential Oils

My 6lb Chihuahua mix modeling his new flea collar, it is the blue collar

Since becoming a Wellness Advocate for doTerra Essential Oils I have been incorporating them into our everyday lives. The best thing about the oils is that they are versatile. They can be used for adults, kids, dogs, and cooking. Some may require dilution with and FCO (fractionated carrier oil) and others may not be the best fit for children, or pregnant and nursing mothers, but you can use them for just about everything and everyone.

I came across a blend for a flea collar. Since we have a little Chihuahua I thought this would be a great thing to try for him. Right now I haven't noticed fleas, and I honestly haven't seen a tick since being in El Paso, but hey give it a go right.

one nylon collar

This was a simple recipe to follow and not many oils were required.
Terra Shield, Lemon Grass, Eucalyptus & Distilled Water

soaking the collar in the mixture for 20 minutes

 After the 20 minutes, I placed the collar on a glass plate and set it outside to completely dry before placing it onto my dog.

As I am writing this post, my dog is going into the third day of wearing the collar. It still has a fresh scent. The first day it was a strong smell, not a bad smell, the Terra Shield has a nice scent, very fresh and I am certain that is what I was mostly smelling. This has not bothered my dog. He never acted like the smell was too strong for him.

Daniel 12:2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

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