Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Goodbye Pee Pee Smell

My lovely daughter is potty training. I do not put her in pull-ups during the day. Some days are good days and some days are bad days.
Yesterday was a bad day.
I have been cleaning up yucky runny poo. It comes out of the underwear down her legs and onto the floor. She is mortified when this happens and runs to find me. I am fairly certain I have tossed at least five or six pairs of panties away because they are too gross to clean up.
But I am drifting away from the point.
I wake up in the mornings and mop my floors. I do this so that I can have a mop bucket full of water ready to go. I have been placing a couple drops of the On Guard doTerra Essential oil in my bucket. This gives the house a very fresh smell. It also gets rid of the yucky germs that poo and pee leave behind.
On this particular day my daughter was being lazy. She just didn't want to get up off the couch to walk over to the potty chair and do her thing. Nope the couch appeared to be serving it's purpose by soaking up all of her little girl pee.
It being a microfiber couch, it makes it a little easier to clean. I wiped it down and blow-dried it. But at the end of the day it just smelled. And not a nice smell either.
I went to one of my many essential oil info pages and asked how I could improve the smell of my couch and was given this little fix.
One cup of baking soda and about 20 drops of On Guard. I woke up today determined to give this a shot. I actually only had 1/2 cup of baking soda, but I still added 20 drops of On Guard. I mixed it well. It wasn't long before I could smell the fresh smell of On Guard and not so much the baking soda.
I took a strainer and sifted it onto both of my couches.
I let it sit for about thirty or forty minutes and then I vacuumed it up.
Not only did my kitchen and living room area smell fresh, but so did both of my couches.
This was a success and I recommend you trying this. I also think that I will be doing this more often. I am addicted to fresh smells.
1 Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hoe and love. But he greatest of these is love

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