Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hosting a Class

In order to launch my new business, which is working as a Wellness Advocate for doTerra essential oils, I needed to host a class. My Upline is Mrs. T. She contacted me and we set up a date and time. I was nervous and excited all rolled into one.

I enjoy having people come to my house, I enjoy making things for them, and I enjoy having lots of kids running through the house.

Mostly I was nervous that I wouldn't have a good turnout. I wanted to be successful and start off strong, and that did happen. I really wanted to show how the oils could be used for cooking.

The class was to be held on a Sunday afternoon. Friday before the class I am trying to make truffles, but it wasn't working out, they weren't getting sticky. I set them aside and made the cookie dough for lemon flavored cookies instead. Saturday finds me cleaning and re-cleaning the entire house. I made chocolate chip cookie dough, and peppermint flavored brownies, and what was supposed to be cream puffs but looked more like colored sugar balls.

Ten o'clock Saturday night I was still cleaning and the final touch was cleaning the fingerprints off the glass doors. I fell into bed exhausted.

The day of my oils class dawned cold and rainy, not the hot and sunny I expected. Sometime in the night I woke up in a panic thinking I wouldn't have enough food. I convinced myself that I must make deviled eggs. In order to do this I had to run to the commissary. While there I added apples and mini oranges to my menu.

I make it home at noon and I have three hours to set up and make the eggs. I spent the early hours of the morning baking cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.

Hubby spent the morning getting his gear ready for work, and then at 2 p.m. he starts making lunch. We eat at 2:30 just when Mrs. T and Mrs. O arrive.

Once everyone started coming in it began to get a little crazy. There were four little girls running around and my son was playing with them too.

It was a little difficult for Mrs. T to speak because everyone was chatting and there were kids interrupting. Mrs. T did a fabulous job. She speaks so passionately about doTerra. The main reason my class was a success is her ability to speak from the heart, explain it where everyone understood, and glow with her belief. I hope to one day be like her. I know that she will go very far within this company.

I learned a lot. I learned how I want to present my information. I learned that getting people to attend is huge, but you have to be careful with making the classes open for the kids.

I am very thankful for all that Mrs. T did for me. I am very thankful for those that came and those that purchased.

The ideas in my head are plentiful and that makes me glad.
Regular box brownie mix flavored with Peppermint

These are powdered sugar and food coloring flavored with: Wild Orange, Lemon, Lime, and Peppermint.

Sugar cookies flavored with Lemon

Mark 12:31 The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these


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