Monday, July 20, 2015

Business Communications Paper/ I made a 100!

For this paper I have chosen Scenario 3. I have chosen a topic that I feel there is a lot of judgement toward and how social media can turn the emotions of readers. This post was my response to children being left in hot vehicles and the judgement that followed. I felt that not everyone guilty of this act were bad people. It is my opinion that good people make mistakes. The title of this blog post is “Not all of us are an Expletive #@!#@!” This is my personal account of leaving my child in the hot car completely by mistake.

            This is an example of how social media and the news media outlet can take an issue and blow it up into a tidal wave of either praise or judgement. This is one of the subjects that people are very quick to jump on a band wagon of persecution without a fair trial. I am a social media junkie. I read all the headlines and most of what is trending, but I try not to comment very often. But this is frowned upon now, plus all vehicles come standard with air conditioning, so windows are rarely rolled down.

 During my research the common denominator for children being left in hot cars began with a routine change. This is also what happened to me. I was a mother to three children, it was my youngest I left in the car. I found an article from Parents magazine that told the story of three parents who had left children in hot cars. Two of the children passed away on one was okay. But all three of the parents were devastated and stated that there was a change of routine on the day it happened.


I found it interesting that this is a relatively new problem. From 1990 to 1992 there were only 11 reported deaths of children from heatstroke caused by being left in a hot car. This is before there were airbags. After this the car seats were moved to the back seat to protect children. In 1995 there were 63 child air bag deaths. Kids are safer in the backseat, but they are also in more danger in the backseat, especially when they are under age two.

Fast forward to a time of rear-facing seats, tinted windows, standard air conditioning in the vehicles, and technology. We as adults tend to be more distracted. Many moms are constantly shuttling kids from point A to point B and home. There is homework to be done, supper to be cooked, and baths to be given. And running in the background is technology. When one parent’s mistake of leaving a child in a hot car unattended and the media gets wind of it, it isn’t long before it is trending on social media. Once it hits social media it’s a dart board of judgement. It makes me cringe at what people will write about a person they have never met. A situation that they know nothing about. The commenter always has all the answers for a perfect world/scenario. But real like isn’t like what you can find written in the comments. This is how I came upon the title and the idea for my blog post in July of 2014.

According to Dr. Diamond there are two different parts of the brain at work all of the time. The basal-ganglia is the “background system” that also controls your habits. When you do an action over and over the action becomes automatic and is controlled by the basal-ganglia. The frontal cortex and the hippocampus is the part of the brain that controls new information. The frontal cortex and the hippocampus compete with the basal-ganglia. When learning a new task or do something different then the frontal cortex and the hippocampus must override the basal-ganglia’s strong desire to perform duties or tasks out of habit.

            Once this type of story trends on social media there is no escaping it. The story will trend for a week or longer then go away, only to be re-shared or brought back to the forefront by a similar case. It is easy for people to hide behind the internet and make scathing remarks about someone with no fear of retaliation.

It is important to be vigilant when you have small children with you in the car. Even though I did leave my nursing cover and my wallet in the backseat with my daughter, I still forgot her. I have heard that you can leave one shoe in the backseat, or your cellphone. The article in Parent’s magazine suggested your briefcase or your purse. They also said to have a plan in place for a change of routine. You can call the childcare center and let them know you will or will not be bringing your child, and if you are bringing the child, but don’t show up, you can have them call you. You may also call the spouse that is dropping off the child and make sure they remember to do so.  Another idea could be a practice run if there is going to be a change of routine. It could be a fun ride for the kids on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Load everyone in the car and drive through the new routine to back up the learning of a new routine process.

The other important thing to remember about social media is that anyone can find out about you through Google. It is not uncommon for prospective employers to look up your Facebook or Instagram and Twitter accounts. My rule of thumb is post exactly what I would normally share with friends and family. When I shared the link to my original blog post I only received a few comments from close friends. Most were surprised at how low I had felt about myself and my situation at that time. It was confusing to me how someone could say to my face that accidents happen and it is okay because my daughter was fine, but that same person could bash and slander a person they never met for the exact same mistake.

The fact that I have this blog post of my personal experience could hurt me one day if I were to ever apply to drive a daycare van and they came across the blog post. They might read it and thing I’m negligent. Unfortunately social media isn’t going anywhere and this issue will only get worse.

REFERENCES: Andrea Birch for Parent’s Magazine. Article originally posted June 2014








Monday, July 13, 2015

Not all of us are an Expletive !#@!#@!

Lately there have been a lot of stories about parents leaving children in hot vehicles. If you pull up the articles it is almost always a negligent parent. If you read the comments they are full of hate and judgment. The amount of foul language and hate directed at these parents is far worse than anything found in a scary movie. But have you ever took a step back after reading a story and wondered if that parent was really a piece of #@!!? Have you ever considered what they said that day and thought, that could have been me? No most people do not, maybe because they consider their routine fool proof, or they are always on top of their game. I mean after all don't we automatically think oh they were out doing drugs, going to the bar, or just plain heartless. But one hot summer day my thoughts on this subject turned and here is why.

My husband was gone, it was five months into a year long deployment. I had moved from our duty station to our home state of Tennessee. I had a 7 1/2 old baby who was exclusively breastfed. I had a four year old son who went to Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, and Physical Therapy. All of which were several days a week one hour from our home. I was exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed, lonely, and it was so hot and humid.

Here it was June, and it was hot! The air conditioner in our house wasn't working. I had already done my research and thought that we had a least until the end of summer before a decision had to be made. But one day we came home from therapy and the house was extremely hot, unbearable. My oldest son had come to stay, so I have three kids in this very hot house. I'm upset and stressed because now I have to explain to my husband via Skype what is going on and that this expense will be now, not August. I contact the people I had chosen to do the installation, but there was a lot of paperwork involved. So I drag three kids with me to the Electric Department to start the process. The clincher is I won't know for sure we are approved until later that day, and then I have to come in and sign the final paperwork. Of course I find out at the very end of the business day that I am approved and the paperwork will have to be finished the next day.

A family from our church offered us a place to stay, so we wouldn't have to spend the night in our hot house. So we all went to their house. The next day was a much anticipated church trip. There would be lots of yummy food, boating, swimming, and fellowship. We were all so very excited. This is where things start to come apart for me. I cannot ever fully get my emotions or exhaustion down into words. Unless you have been there, you won't understand. I had brought all of our clothes for the church trip, all of the things that three kids will need for this type of outing. I was not staying in my own house, I hadn't slept well because I shared a twin size bed with my four year old who also ended up wetting the bed. I had been up at least twice to nurse the baby and my oldest son who was sleeping on the floor snored. To say I really didn't sleep well would be an understatement.

A beautiful June day dawns bright and hot. I wake up ready to sign the paperwork. I have one very excited boy ready to get this day going. I have one cranky four year old and my little baby girl. I've only got about an hour or so before we need to be at the church. Rather than drag all the kids with me to sign papers, it is agreed that my two older kids would stay with the family and I would come back and get them. I'm not really sure what was going on with me on this day, but I know I wasn't my normal put together self.

I put my beautiful daughter into her car seat carrier, place her in the back seat of the car. Honestly I think I only had a wallet and my nursing cover with me because it was such a short errand and the family lived very close to the Electric Department. So I get there, I park, I get out, I walk inside give them my name. I stand there by the desk just waiting. Not really thinking. Maybe two minutes later they call my name and I reach down for the carrier. It wasn't there! I remember half yelling, half telling them that I left my baby in the car and then ran for the door, I ran fast. I know I made a scene,  that is how fast I ran. All I could think of was my irresponsibility, my baby. I got to the car and as I opened the rear door, I saw her just looking around not even crying.

I pulled the carrier out and I put it on the trunk and looked at her beautiful face and realized just how lucky I had been, but at the same time how stupid. This was my third child! I had never left any of my kids until this moment in a hot car. I returned to the building shaking and almost sobbing. I did what I had to do and they were kind enough not to pass judgment to my face. I'm sure they did after I left, after all isn't that human nature? I remember sitting there telling the lady over and over that I had never done this before and how awful I felt.

The reason this happened to me, was because I had been living in a fog. I rarely slept more than five hours a night. I got up early and drove an hour away from my house no less than three days a week and sat there while my son did his therapy then returned home to nap on the couch. I was always nursing my daughter, I just let her nurse all the time. I mean isn't that the purpose of EBF? My middle son would watch television most of the day. When my oldest would come over he played with the neighbor kids. I walked a fine line between sanity and insanity. I was very depressed. Deployment didn't sit well with me. I hated it when things went wrong and I had to find the solution. I hated making huge financial decisions without my husband being there to talk it out with me.

And then this particular day I woke up in someone else's house, I got three kids ready for a church outing, I took only my baby with me to sign paperwork. Normally my four year old would be there, I would have to open the door for him, but he wasn't with me that morning and somehow that wiped the "get the kids out of the car" part of my brain clear.

To this day I beat myself up over this. I look at my daughter and I say a quick thank you to God for letting her come out of this okay. I mean we are talking five minutes or less, but that is a long time to be alone in a car. This will never happen again, not to my kids. I will never let myself get that far lost in a fog again.

But to instantly judge a parent who forgot to take their child to day care or on some other errand is wrong. The media sensationalizes a lot of what we see. Sometimes accidents really do happen to good people. I was one of those people. I am always told that I am a strong woman, I am a wonderful mother, and my favorite, I have it all together. But as you can see by my story, I don't always have it together and I too make mistakes.

Be aware of your children and your surroundings, don't be negligent because sometimes the outcome is much worse than this one. But also be compassionate toward those who did make an honest mistake. Not everyone is a piece of #@!#! for leaving a child in the car. We don't know the struggles of each person we encounter whether it be in the news or in person. Let he who is perfect cast the first stone.

I think the diaper bag on the front seat is a great piece of advice, if I would have brought my diaper bag it would have been a different scenario. Instead I had my wallet and the nursing cover which were in the car seat with my daughter. Normally I keep my wallet in my diaper bag.

This is just my story, it not a way to say that everyone who does this is innocent, just a way to say unless you have been in my shoes or the shoes of someone who was a good person who did this do not judge.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

After Sun Care

As you know by now I live in El Paso, also known as Sun City, or a fellow blogger, coffee matters, used to call it the surface of the sun. So you see the trend here? There is a lot of sun. Being fair skinned I am prone to getting a sun burn simply by walking to the mail box. There is very little shade here. I usually forgot to apply sunscreen also.

Last weekend we spent two full days in the sun. They were fun filled days and there are no regrets, well outside of having had this awful sunburn on my neck, shoulders, arms, upper back and chest. But I'm a Wellness Advocate now, so I have doTerra Essential Oils on hand, therefore a solution to the problem.

Yes, you can use Aloe Vera, and yes there is even a recipe for sun relief with Aloe Vera in it, but I don't like Aloe Vera.

I made my own mixture. I used the solid Coconut oil and about ten drops of lavender. I mixed them up in a small mason jar and then applied liberally.


This is the next day, not quite as red
Day One, and yes I look not so great, hubby was kind enough to point out that maybe this picture shouldn't be shared. :)


By the third day this is the result

I guess you could say that I never learn, because this is from yesterday when I took the kids to a carnival. Well actually it is the next day, my shoulders and arms were as red as my chest. This is the next day after using my mix the night before and very early this morning.

I am very pleased with the essential oils. I love how they smell very nice and they are all natural. I like being able to make my own mixtures at home. A 15ml bottle of oil has 240 drops in it. A little goes a long way. I bought my solid coconut oil at Wal-Mart for under $8.
Daniel 7:13
In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence.  

Flea Collar and Essential Oils

My 6lb Chihuahua mix modeling his new flea collar, it is the blue collar

Since becoming a Wellness Advocate for doTerra Essential Oils I have been incorporating them into our everyday lives. The best thing about the oils is that they are versatile. They can be used for adults, kids, dogs, and cooking. Some may require dilution with and FCO (fractionated carrier oil) and others may not be the best fit for children, or pregnant and nursing mothers, but you can use them for just about everything and everyone.

I came across a blend for a flea collar. Since we have a little Chihuahua I thought this would be a great thing to try for him. Right now I haven't noticed fleas, and I honestly haven't seen a tick since being in El Paso, but hey give it a go right.

one nylon collar

This was a simple recipe to follow and not many oils were required.
Terra Shield, Lemon Grass, Eucalyptus & Distilled Water

soaking the collar in the mixture for 20 minutes

 After the 20 minutes, I placed the collar on a glass plate and set it outside to completely dry before placing it onto my dog.

As I am writing this post, my dog is going into the third day of wearing the collar. It still has a fresh scent. The first day it was a strong smell, not a bad smell, the Terra Shield has a nice scent, very fresh and I am certain that is what I was mostly smelling. This has not bothered my dog. He never acted like the smell was too strong for him.

Daniel 12:2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

Poo Poo Spray

 Since beginning this journey with Essential Oils, I have been trying to find different ways to fully incorporate them into our lives. While searching Pinterest I came across this unique way to mask the smell of #2. For my home, I was also thinking this might be a unique way to transition Nena from a potty chair to a regular toilet.

This didn't require a lot of time to make, or a lot of oils.

You will need a glass bottle due to the amount of oils in the recipe. You also need rubbing alcohol, water and food coloring if you so desire to make it a fun color. A funnel makes it easier to pour ingredients from the bowl to the bottle.

There are several different combinations you can use.

I used this one because these are the oils I have on hand (I am still building my supply) 15 drops each of cedar wood, rosemary, and lemon

or 15 drops each of lavender, basil and cypress

Then it is 1/2 cup of water minus 2 tablespoons of water
1 tsp of rubbing alcohol
 and add your essential oils
and three drops of food coloring if you are using it, I used blue.

Mix all ingredients very well in a small bowl, use a funnel to pour into a 4 oz glass spray bottle.

When it is time to use spay 5-6 sprays into the toilet before #2

My kids loved the concept! They want to use it all of time. It is completely safe for them also.

I used a dark colored bottle, so you can't see that the spray is blue, and there isn't enough color to turn the toilet water blue, but it smells very fresh.

Daniel 9:10 We have not obeyed the LORD our God or kept the laws he gave us through his servants the prophets.

Homemade vapor rub with Essential Oils

My daughter has issues breathing sometimes. Here in El Paso it is very often windy which means there is a lot of dust in the air. When this happens she easily gets congested and then has issues sleeping at night. In addition to that both of my kids have croupy sounding coughs, and the doctor says not to worry. My hubby loves the Vicks Vapor Rub products, but I'm not a big fan of their smell and I'm always worried that it might be turning their lungs black. I wanted to find an alternative to use. Something that works, is safe for the entire family and much more natural. Yes, Pinterest is my friend: I found exactly what I was looking for there.

doTerra Essential Oils are a safe and natural alternative that can be tried to assist with some health issues. They smell very fresh, and they are safe for everyone. Some oils may need to be diluted before application, but they are still safe.

For the vapor cream you will need the following:

4oz container
coconut oil
20 drops of breathe essential oil

This will need to be stored in a jar with a lid. I used the smaller mason jars

Really simple: just put the coconut oil into the jar add the essential oils and mix. I used 4oz of the coconut oil.

Apply to chest. For my kids I have been applying liberally to their chest and their back and just a trace along the nose.

They sleep very well at night, less coughing, if any at all, and I use it in the morning when they wake up. The powerful smell of the over the counter run isn't there, breathe has a very fresh scent.

I purchased my coconut oil at Walmart

Daniel 9:25 "Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Annointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be seven sevens, and sixty-two sevens. It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble.

No more Flys!

I live in El Paso and it seems that every time you open a door to go outside 20 flies will race into your house. They are everywhere! If you grill out you will be swarmed. If you live in a neighborhood with a lot of dogs and there #2 isn't cleaned up daily, there will be a million flies.

This is a recipe that I found on Pinterest and it was geared more to farm life, but I think it will work for us. Again it is easy to make and doesn't require a lot of essential oils.

My plan is to use this when we grill out, or go on a picnic, or to spray around my doors on the days the kids are running in and out.

What you will need:

16 oz spray bottle: I used plastic for this one because there isn't a lot of oil.
1 cup of water
1 cup of apple cider vinegar
20 drops of Terrashield essential oil

Mix it all together, put it in the bottle and start spraying.

I tested it outside around the doors and window and the kids play area outside there were flys leaving the area rather quickly.

Daniel 12:4 "But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.

Easy to Clean Microwave

Do you find that your microwave is always dirty due to food being placed inside and not covered when it cooks? A friend of mine recently told me about an easy way to clean the grime out of a microwave.

All that you need is 2/3 cup of water
1 glass bowl
2 drops Lemon EO
2 drops On Guard EO
2 drops of your favorite dish soap (I used Dawn)

Now here is the warning: Make sure that your essential oil is not flammable. doTerra Essential oils are not flammable so they are completely safe for this project. I have heard of this solution exploding if an essential oil that is not 100%.

DoTerra Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are pure, natural, aromatic compounds carefully extracted from plants. There are no fillers or artificial ingredients that would dilute their active qualities and are free of contaminants such as pesticides or other chemical residues.

Once you have placed all of the ingredients into a glass bowl microwave them for three minutes. Then once your microwave has stopped just wipe out the grime.


Before using the essential oil mixture

  This is after using the mixture
Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

My essential oil journey

This is my collection. So small. But each one I picked to use for my family. I started with the Home Essentials Kit. The promotion at that time was a free Deep Blue Rub and Oil. The day my kit arrived I was excited, and nervous. Since that moment I have spent a lot of early morning hours searching Pinterest for blends. My diffuser is my go to for stressful days, kids not able to sleep, allergies and to keep germs away.

My goal is to one day build this as an extra income that is steady. I am by no means close to that. I am in still in the beginning stages of sharing and learning. Through fellow doTerra users I have made some pretty cool friends. I have Facebook pages to surf and ask question after question. Right now I am sharing and encouraging people to try.

Sometimes the sample will be the right one for that person, and other times it takes a little tweaking to find just the right blend. What works for me or for my kids may not work exactly the same for someone else. If ever you try these oils and they do not work, be patient. There is one, there is a blend that will work.

I love how these oils can be used for multiple things. Some can be added to recipes, some can be cleaning agents, some can be for ailments. It is so nice to know that a bottle with 250 drops in it can last for a long time. It can be used multiple ways.

So far my favorites are Breathe, which I use mostly for my daughter. She was born with narrow nasal passages and has always gotten congestion easily. Using this in a coconut oil rub has gotten her to sleep better, and most importantly to breathe better. I even have a roller bottle blend for the congestion. On Guard is great for germ repellent. You can use it to clean with to diffuse in a roller bottle blend. Today my daughter accidentally peed a huge puddle in my bathroom. I put a couple of drops on a sponge and scrubbed the floor once I wiped away all the pee. Serenity and Balance are my go to oils to help me not get over excited and nervous. Clary Calm for hormones. Lemon and Lime in my water. I could go on and on here, but I am saving that for my next project.

Always use essential oils with caution. I recommend the Modern Essentials Book for Oil usage. The oils can assist with or aid with. They are not necessarily a cure. I use some for pain and they work great. Peppermint is a go to for headaches. It smells so fresh.

I like to use the product guide and the book.

My project is to write several blogs about different oils and multiple uses for that oil. My goal is to share the knowledge. To encourage others to try. I was once a skeptic. My husband is slowly coming off the fence. He says that the kids and I smell weird, but it makes me smile. Weird is good in this case.

For more information please email me at

my labels, spray bottles, and roller balls. Make sure your oils for sprays are in a glass bottle and lotions go in a glass jar

For tools you can check out or I have ordered supplies from both places. There are many other useful sites too. This journey must be your own. I can show you the path but you must walk down it and plant trees and flowers along the way.

Some of the supplies needed for blends can be found at Walmart or a wholefoods store.

Psalm 45: 8 All thy garments smell of myrrh, and aloes, and cassia, out of ivory palaces,whereby they have made thee glad.

Diffuse and Relax

This is my Petal Diffuser from DoTerra.  We are good friends.. This is what finally brought me to doTerra. I was at my friends house and she was diffusing a calming blend when Nena and I were there. The difference in Nena was profound.

No, I do not exaggerate. This is the truth.

This diffuser is what finally had Nena sleeping through the night. I put Lavender and Breathe in it and she slept. IT WAS AMAZING!

I recommend everyone having a diffuser in their house. My dream is one for every room. Yes, big dream.

Now I diffuse something at least once a day.

Do you have GERMS? Yep, we all do. OnGuard is perfect in this little diffuser.

 It will purify the air. And while you are at it, add it to a roller ball bottle with FCO (fractionated coconut oil) and apply on back of neck. I carry it with me everywhere.

 I do not like pesky germs. And after meat preparation I put a little OnGuard All Purpose Cleaner on my counter and wipe it down.

 And I am in LOVE with the OnGuard toothpaste.

Okay, now for the point of this post, and that is diffuser blends. The amazing thing is that the oils can be used for many different purposes. There are many more oils that I do not have, yet I am not limited as to how they are used. A little goes a long way. Pinterest is a great place to find blends for the diffuser.

Each of my diffuser blends are just a couple of drops of each oil unless otherwise specified.

 Lavender Breathe combo, works great for sleep and to open airways while you are sleeping.

Lime Breathe and Wild Orange, this is an uplifting combo
Peppermint and Lime, clean air and home
Lavender, Peppermint, and Lemon, allergy buster, this is also great in a roller bottle blend

Serenity, Wild Orange, and Balance to be used at bedtime or when you need to shut off the mind

Study time? Then use Frankincense, peppermint and Rosemary

Focus and energy, Wild Orange and Peppermint.

 Frankincense and Balance for grounding and calming.

Breathe and Serenity, which I started using at bedtime after my daughter dumped an entire bottle of lavender. Our T.V. stand spelled great for a couple of days. No toddlers where harmed!

Serenity, Lavender, and Cedarwood for sleep, this can also be put into a roller bottle or like I have done, a coconut oil rub for the bottoms of the feet.

Having an outside get-together? Or maybe you just want to sit outside and the skeeters are driving you crazy, well here you go Terrasheild, Cedarwood, and Lemongrass. Also works great in a glass spray bottle or a roller bottle.

Got the Croup? Here you go, Frankincense, peppermint, and breathe

Coughing? OnGuard, Eucalyptus, and Melaleuca. Once I added peppermint and another time lavender because it was bedtime. This works great.

If diffusing around pets make sure they can exit the room the diffuser is in just in case. Be cautious around cats. These are safe for Mom, Dad, and the kids. In fact, up until very recently my oils were used more around my two and six year old than my husband.

Interested in learning more about essential oils? email me at

There is a desirable treasure, and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a foolish man squanders it away