Monday, December 28, 2015

Creepy Crawly Stopped By

The weather has been unseasonably warm, which is making those of us used to the cold venture outside more, even when it is rainy.

One night just before everyone was going to bed, I took our little Chihuahua outside. It was nearly 11 o'clock at night and here I am with the dog just casually walking down the road at night. The road was still wet from a recent rain and as I near a puddle I see movement.

Instantly I stop to inspect it and there is a salamander. Now I encourage my kids to touch these creatures, but I won't hold them. I holler for my oldest son, which I am sure the neighbors were all thinking the crazy lady was outside, and he came running.

He gently caught it and we brought it inside. My daughter was having fits, and my son being the boy that he is, scared her. I told him he mustn't ever do that to her again. I want her to grow up knowing that salamanders are not scary and to enjoy this rare moment. Here it is December and warm and this little guy is running from one place to another.

Our speculation is that he may have been confused due to the warm weather or flooded out of his hidey hole due to the constant rain. But in any event, he spent fifteen minutes inside my house with my boys.

My youngest son was devastated when it was time to put the salamander back outside. But I explained that it was necessary so that he could find his way home. My son cried himself to sleep over that little guy.

I hope that one day my kids will grow up and be cool with their kids about most creepy crawly creatures.

December 28, 2015

Genesis 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth, wherein there is life I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

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