Yes it has caught me tightly in it's grasp.
Dragging me down into a place
I have risen from
and temptations sweet kiss is begging for redemption
Not lust
nope, it is the addicts soul that is longing for release.
It once was that sweet tobacco that burned it's way through my lungs,
now it is the taste of something much sweeter
a harder kick.
I could settle for a glass of wine,
but something far stronger would be better.
I long to laugh an adult's careless laugh.
I long to just empty the cup
bottoms up
Even more than that I long to turn around
to see his smooth face
eyes only for me
Arms out
ready to catch me
to kiss me to oblivion
And away to the next level we shall go
The music can make me feel this
yearn for this
need him more than even my words can express
The mommy side of me is going through the routines
today is baking frenzy day
set to the tunes of desire
of forever your love
Responsibility is in the forefront
but who I am is all twisted and crazy
I need to be free from the restraints
yet the restraints keep me in check
I NEED him to come home
I WANT him to always be by my side
The first and last thing I see and touch every day and night
My one and only
The one I swore undying allegiance to
Rescue me
rescue us
Help me pull myself up and out of this funk
Turn my world right side up
all is crazy tilted
I don't want to read my books
I want to loose myself in the music
or binge watch horribly twisted and deep shows
it is slipping away
You are my everything
Maybe it is not as it should be
my eyes and mind and heart not focused heavenward
but on you
on the other side of the world
You are the air that I breathe
the steady smooth road that I travel
there behind me
helping me to see the point in it all
I am not sure where my sanity has gone
where my rock solid values and beliefs have gone
I am floundering
Lost at sea
in this tiny town full of sameness
Who am I?
What have I become?
Sleep is all I want
a deep dreamless sleep that leaves me begging for more.
In sleep I can be at rest
not trying to find my way
my purpose
Pray for me
Pray hard for me
B. Alwildia Garcia
December 9, 2015
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