Saturday, February 6, 2016

Moving Right Along

On a cold Tuesday morning it was necessary to help my son read a book so he could make his reading goal at school. This was accomplished while getting myself, him, and my daughter ready for school all at the same time. I would be going to a Bible study that morning, so I needed to get make up on my face before jetting out the door. While all of this craziness was going on, my daughter decided that she should take some books with us in the car.

As we are preparing to back out of the driveway and make the 15 minute drive to the school, my son gets the idea that one of the four books being horded by his sister should be his to look at. I am clutching my going cold coffee as I ask her to please share a book. This does nothing. He proceeds to reach for a book which she yanks away and then they both begin to cry as I toss a book at him as we roll through a stop sign. She is angry I took the book, he is upset the book fell in the floor out of reach. My take on the whole thing was "Oh well" I then proceeded to focus on the radio and my coffee.

Bible study was great. I began to feel more like I made the correct decision in swapping churches. I am realizing that many of ladies I see regularly at Y are also going to that church. It makes me feel more like I have support in the two areas that I need support in the most. We are all different ages, different sizes, and different types of people, but it appears we have some similar goals. I am also running into a lot of essential oilers, which is another bonus.

I made it through the morning and on into the afternoon and I was able to make it to the RIPPED class. It was a tough class, but I could feel my body responding to it and knew this was the way to go. Supper was a poor choice, but it was quick and easy to prepare. We had some very yummy beef tacos and refried beans. Tonight's supper will be far worse, sausage and Mac n Cheese.

So after supper as we are looking at homework I find a paper that immediately makes me want to scream in frustration. Box Top collection day is coming up, okay not so bad until I got to the date which was the next morning!! While I am supervising homework, I am also cutting out the 61 box tops I have been saving for at least a year.

Then I nearly had a bad mom moment when I realized that we only had a meager 61. Why so few? Well we don't eat Tyson chicken products, so none of those labels, not Campbell's soup either. Just refried beans and occasionally an apple juice we buy has a Box Top. So this is poo for my son and for the school, but yay for us. I take that to mean that we really are eating healthier and making better food choices at the grocery store. I cook nearly every night. I usually cook from scratch. Do not let tonight's menu fool you, this is only because we will need to be at Church by 6:30 and we must do showers and homework plus eat before we get there.

Today my sister brought her "I didn't think she was still sick" daughter over to play and the plan was to hit the gym. But my poor little niece who thankfully only sat on my couch, wasn't feeling up to par. I cooked breakfast for my sister and we had a nice little chat. I enjoy the little moments with my sister. They are so few and far between as it is really challenging for us to be together for long periods of time.

Bonus, is that my daughter is doing much better with potty training, and there may actually be a light at the end of the tunnel concerning diapers. Yay for my wallet!

I think for a Wednesday I am doing fairly well. I am feeling much better and my feet don't hurt as bad as they did. I am trying to drink more water, but find this challenging. I am also not eating as much ice cream, but Kahlua in cold coffee is fabulous!

I am finally feeling like I can achieve both my spiritual and my physical goals.

January 13, 2016

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord and abundant in power' his understanding is beyond measure.

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