As for the state of my mind and the way things are going, I should state that after returning to the gym a week ago, I think I am good.
I am still eating with wild abandon. I am sure it consists of an even mix of unhealthy cooked at home and unhealthy fast food. I cannot help myself. But the consolation is that I go to the gym do a massive work out that nearly leaves me incapacitated, and therefore the right to eat whatever I want to eat. Isn't that how it works?
I did skip church on Sunday, ha ha, my warm cozy bed a haven away from Love day.
But Monday I rose up from the ashes of my exile and made it a point to venture out. Out into the unending driving rain. I might add it was cold! I actually made three trips out.
One to the grocery store where immediately upon entering the door my daughter ran way. Ran straight to the bakery section, which was right by the door thankfully. Those free cookies have such a draw on these kids. We quickly made it through the store making sure to forget the one item I desperately needed: contact solution.
Home to cook lunch, because I was going to the gym. Success on all counts!
Back home to pick up my gym bag before heading to the gym.
Tuesday was a little more craziness as I added a trip to the Dollar Tree and a nice man bought my daughter a balloon that she really didn't need. Of course this caused an argument and crying fest after school with my son. This also caused us to almost not make it to the gym. This was also the day that I received a call from an old friend came home with my Dollar Tree goodies and while talking on the phone I ran into the house to drop off my stuff and wouldn't you know I locked my daughter and I out of the house. It took my Dad nearly thirty minutes to show up with a key to my house and lecture me about the necessity of a hidden key outside. I missed Bible Study. Sadly, I wasn't too sad about this development. I stayed inside of my house away from the rain until time to meet some friends and then I picked up my son. Making it to the gym is becoming my main goal and I am liking it.
Wednesday I just sat in my house all day long with my daughter and it was nice! We picked up my son and came home to prepare for church. Glad I went! I learned a lot about myself there and what exactly my actions and behavior are going to cause me. I could very well end up in the belly of a fish should I choose to continue on the dreadful path to Tar shish and away from Nineveh.
Now during my Bible study I did have a story to tell about this amazing couple from a church I had attended years ago. After the study I am trying to make a mad dash to retrieve my daughter who went wearing big girl panties. Of course I get stopped by this lady from class. So she asks me if I went to this particular church and when I respond yes, that is the one. She tells me she too went there. She was surprised that she did not recognize me from there and so to make light of the situation I begin to tell her about this couple that we always sat behind. And how every single Sunday during the greet your neighbor section, this lady would turn around thank us for visiting the church. I was laughing as I am telling this story until I see her husband walk up..... And I realize the lady from my story is the lady standing in front of me!!!!! I think her husband realized I was talking about her but I don't think she did right at that moment. Oh my gosh!!! I can not believe I put my foot in my mouth like that!
And today I was just happy to be up and about and full of life. My Dad came by to help me get our car to the repair shop since the breaks are bad. Now my Dad is a guy who thinks women need men to help them do everything and if they say that a car isn't working, then they must be wrong. So he gets to my house having a severe OCD trip because I want to take my car to the shop merely to get an estimate and I most likely will bring it home unrepaired and wait to do said repair on payday. He was giving me a long list of reasons why this was such a waste and complicated and unnecessary, but he helped me out anyway. So then he starts in on how the brakes are probably not that bad blah blah blah. Well wouldn't you know that one street later he calls to tell me how horrible they sound! Craziness!! So thankful for my Dad but so often he is either driving me batty, as I am sure I do him, or making me laugh.
We spent the day hanging out and trying to wrangle my daughter and yes I made it to Kickboxing!!
I also got the kids to run around the track several times.
So be blessed, find a host of reasons to be thankful and laugh. Yes laugh all day long!!!
February 18, 2016
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