Friday, October 21, 2016

Javier the Chihuahua Moves to New York State

I am a tiny little dog. A tiny little Chihuahua to be specific. I don't take up much space. I try to be patient with my humans, even the annoying little human girl. I have been with this family for many dog years. They let me come to live with them when I was in a very hot place. This hot place made me want to stay inside all day. Then one day they let some strange humans take me home, and when I came back the entire house was empty! I was really scared, but the big human girl swooped me up and comforted me. The next place was very green and full of new animal smells. My space was so large at first I was scared, but then it became my space. I began to wander wherever my little doggie heart wanted to go. I always came back to the big female human. She cuddles me a lot. I really think she thinks I am a new puppy because I am so small.

When we got to the green place that smelled so nice, I met the scariest human I had ever seen!

This human was so smelly and loud! He scared me every chance he got. I tried to make myself small, but he could still see me. He even licked my nose! In this new place that is much colder and wet, I have not seen him. Maybe he did not come, he was not in either of the cars that I rode in.
One day I noticed that the big female human began putting things in boxes. That makes me nervous. I do not like boxes. I worry that they will leave me behind. My human Mom assures me this will not be the case. Then one day strangers showed up with even more boxes. They were loud and everything was disappearing before my eyes. I decided that if I crawled under a blanket, everything might return to normal.
Nothing returned to normal, instead it got worse!
The next thing I knew they were putting stuff into the big car and little car. I was running behind them and trying to make sure they did not forget me. As I watched more and more stuff disappear into the cars, I realized that they might leave me. There just did not appear to be enough room for me. Oh, I was so scared!

Then my human Mom scooped me up and put me in the big car. I had just enough room.

I ended up in the small car with the little human boy and my human mom. At one point I was so cold! Then my human mom covered me up with my warm blanket. That made me feel better. When she first put my blankets in the car with out me, I was really scared! When I went inside the house, I didn't want move from the blanket pile they left for me in the floor. Even when they wanted to cuddle with me, I was still scared.

As we went along, we stopped at a lot of places where the smells were amazing. I got to walk around and make pee everywhere. My heart felt full, but I was nervous that I might get lost from my humans.

The next day the big human man put me in the big car with him. I was so scared without my human mom. I really wanted to jump out the window to be with her. This was not my favorite part of the ride. The big human man made me ride with the scary little human girl. She squeezes me too hard. She is okay when she is sleeping and sharing her blanket, but I do not like it when she is awake and being loud.

This is the worst place to ride!

It was nice when the big human boy would scratch my belly and the warm sunlight was shining on me.

I also enjoyed sitting on this giant pile of soft stuff and looking out the window.

I even sat up here!

I am now in my new home. I am not so sure of this place. The house is big and drafty. Outside it is always wet. The grass is really big. I found a place in the fence that I think I can make an escape from. I have gotten past the humans a few times and run down the street as fast as I can. I do not have many soft places to lay down. The humans have not been around much to cuddle with me. I hope that they still love me.

Written by my human mom as I dictated to her October 21, 2016


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