Monday, January 11, 2016

January 4: The Fitness Journey Begins.

This year I am taking charge of my figure. I want to turn my nearly forty year old body into a lean and tone running machine.

The goal is to be able to 5k by spring and have times in the low to mid thirties.
The other goal is look smoking hot by the time hubby is stateside again.
But mostly I am doing this for me.

In 2011 I had just become a stay at home mom. I had a lot of free time because my husband was gone most of that year. I went to the gym on average four days a week and sometimes twice a day. I was starting to see results and to feel amazing.

January 2012 I made a weekend trip to visit the hubby in Georgia and not only did we get a great income tax return, we got a baby. Moving to El Paso while pregnant and leaving behind my oldest, set me up for depression. Combine that with loneliness and one car, I didn't work out much. Honestly, I didn't do much besides sit on the couch all day.

Back in TN late in 2012 hubby gone again and I am nursing a sick baby, another child who has a lot of therapy appointments an hour away and I am exhausted and depressed. So I didn't do a lot of working out. By summer of 2013 I managed to attend Zumba classes maybe ten times. I tried to workout some in 2013 once I got back to El Paso, but it wasn't a priority. Spring of 2014 I walked in the Canyon pushing a stroller a handful of times. I must say that was a workout, but it was sporadic due to the wind and spring weather conditions in El Paso. I didn't try as hard as I probably could have the rest of that year or 2015.

This became a sticking point with my300 Club husband. He tried very hard to inspire me. We do family walks but this usually meant slowly walking with the kids and our Chihuahua. I took the kids to the playground on a regular basis, and we always walked. It just wasn't my time to shine, but that is about to change.

It is now 2016, I am eight months from 40. My feet hurt when I sit too long, my feet cramp all the time. I have a missing hubby again. I eat a lot of ice cream and pop corn. I am not depressed, but ready to get my groove back.

I weighed in at 154 pounds this morning. A long way from the 142-145 I was sticking to the last several years. I see my big belly every time I look in the mirror. I know which jeans have the most wiggle room and which shirts will accentuate the rounded belly.

I feel great though. I know I don't look my best, but what matters is my husband loves me for who I am. He is my biggest cheerleader and critic, I mean that in a nice way. He sees my potential when I fail to see it myself.

So this morning I headed to the 8:30 a.m. Pilates class. It wasn't as hard as I expected, but I definitely used muscles that I hadn't used in a very long time. Some parts left me struggling for form as my legs shook or my toes cramped. But the instructor came over to me and said that I had already taken the most important step and that was coming to the class. She told me I was doing great and that I should work at my own pace and it will all come to me.

after the class I tried the elliptical for maybe ten minutes and I ran around the track a couple of times. I didn't feel a mean burn. My appetite isn't raging just yet, but I went.

I already have plans to go tomorrow. I am really excited!

Working out also gives me a chance to pray. I thank God for the ability and the means to be there in the first place and I just try to focus on breathing and the things I want to tell God.

So here is to a New Year! And a healthier me!

January 4, 2016

Titus 2:3-5 Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.

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