I am on the mend.
Last week I began to lose my voice.
It started slowly on Tuesday as a small inflection of sound coming in and out. By Wednesday I sounded quite a bit like an older 20 year old smoker. By Thursday it was a real struggle to get words out. Friday it was just sounds. Saturday it sounded more like I was barking than talking. Sunday was better, today much better.
I still feel like my throat is very dry. I am still very thirsty. Breathing due to sinus congestion still difficult, but not nearly as bad as it has been.
Use essential oils.
Yes I said that.
They really do assist you.
I couldn't breathe without my Eucalyptus in the shower or sniffing my bottle of rosemary. Thankful for the immunity support and the soothing components of another.
This cough is crazy, more like a dry hacking.
I promise this is not caused by a pack a day habit.
It is merely a protest by my body to be defiant when I want to push it to the next level.
I will win.
Thursday I managed to do Kick Boxing, never mind how much my throat hurt. Breathing properly was a challenge, but I muscled through.
Friday's RIPPED was not an option.
My body was on slow motion.
A desire for sleep, but no matter how I tried, I could not nap.
A slight bit of depression and anger and angst, but good friends help wash away the kinks and get the day moving.
By Saturday I was rolling through the motions. Thankful for sunny skies, but frustrated that meant park time when I wasn't up to it.
I spent a lot of time helping out with my Church's consignment sale. I worked four hours on Thursday, which was a lot for me. It was simply cutting tags off things, but I loved it. I loved every hand numbing minute of it. This meant I shopped for toys and clothes on Thursday, then back Friday and Saturday I started my day there.
I was worn out after our shopping adventure, tried to rest. But really, getting kids fed, and situated doesn't leave much time for me.
Into the car and away we go. Driving....down a very windy road.
The sun is beautiful. The windows are down. The kids are babbling and the radio is on.
A two hour essential oils rundown for my latest downline. Lots of catching up mixed in there.
And a very hyper, not listening to her exhausted mother, three year old.
No Really Sometimes she is not cute...no matter how many times others tell me it is so.
That is reality.
Back to town to drop off my oils tote and pick up the Chihuahua and get this park time over and done with.
Normally I am so happy to go.
But on this day I was worn out and my body was screaming for rest.
We had a great time. Kids and dog were quite satisfied with the outing. Five dollar pizza on the way home and a quick little meal. Then I take sinus meds, situate kids with new toys and a movie and crash on the couch for two lovely hours.
I really enjoyed church on Sunday.
I loved the next outing to a park.
Again kids and dog were very happy with me and the choice.
Today was another lovely jam-packed sunny day.
No speech for my daughter so I used the time to start cleaning the house.
The bathroom toilet would not plunge and remained stopped up...until it decided my feeble efforts to unclog it should be rewarded with an overflow.
No dirty water, only clean water, but still...it was a mess.
Dad came to save the day. Ran an errand. Finished cleaning the house.
Prepared the mix for Empanadas.
Made yummy stuffed mushrooms.
Packed the van for our Speech Trip for my Son.
Made the kids happy with a cheeseburger.
Hit the gym.
I survived despite being clogged up, I am however counting down the minutes until I can nudge kids into bed. Then I too shall go to bed.
My life is often bland. But it is just the way I would have it. Only a few tweaks here and there.
God is Good
God is Great
God is love
March 8 2016
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