Friday, March 25, 2016

Making Playdough

I saw a cute video on my facebook about making playdough easily. It jived with how I was feeling and what I have going on, so I said "Why not?"

In my house right now I have all three of my kids. All three big personalities.

So I had an idea in my mind of how this should go and what I would need. At the grocery store I bought the one thing I thought I would need.

 I had all of the other supplies at home, so this should work.

The project began easily enough and I knew we would have this in the bag, that is until we ran out of salt after just three colors!

So I had to make a quick run to the store to pick up a lot more salt because just to have enough salt to complete the third color, I used all of the salt in my kitchen.

A quick run to the store, the ability to leave the kids in the car because my oldest is along. In I go to buy a few necessities, the salt, and stuff to make sugar cookies? Yes, while in that store I had the bright idea that this week sugar cookies should become a reality.

Mixing the dough up left my daughter in a pickle because she doesn't like dirty hands. My oldest loved making the mess, and once my middle son got past the texture, he also enjoyed the task.

 Now the way this goes is as follows:

Super Easy Playdough
1/4 cup of warm water
each color is 1/2 package of Kool-aide
2 TSP of cooking oil
1/4 cup of salt
1/2 cup of flour

To begin you mix the half package of kool-aide into a bowl. I gave each kid a bowl this way they could each have their own and make it their way. In true perfect parent fashion, I let them each mix the ingredients from start to finish with my minimal assistance.

After you get the Kool-aide mixed in the water you will add the cooking oil, salt then flour. That is when you get your hands dirty! you knead the mixture until it becomes smoother and then let the kids have at it.

the first batch
This was my creation

creativity at play
My teenager's input

Such a sweet boy

Let the mess begin
My kids were very happy to have this playdough. A lot of it ended up smashed into the sidewalk, and of course there was plenty in the living room. What we could salvage, we saved in a zip lock bag. I like this recipe. It is very easy to make, and adding essential oils would also be an option. I have a recipe where you make it on the stove and use food coloring, and I have to say that I like that one very well, but this one would be great for a rainy day.

March 21, 2016

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