Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Chronicals of a Not So Ordinary Mom: Quarintine

Let's go back a few days, a weekend's worth of days. The setting is Friday March 13, 2020.

We have all been watching the news, the ever spreading panic of the dreaded Covid-19. Toilet paper, cleaning products, and now groceries are becoming scarce. Pictures emerge of the craziness in each of the stores Around The Nation, sorry, the World.

It's bad

Most people will agree on that, but I am not here to debate how bad or over-hyped. I am here to share my daily struggles as I begin to deal with a temporary new normal.

On that normal Friday, kids are home and I am pretending the news is not blowing up with which state has cancelled school. I am pretending that I did not visit three stores only to find no toilet paper outside of the one package of 12 that I scored. I got my water, I got my food, but I did not buy stuff to feed my kids at home for an indefinite amount of time.

And FB blows up. Denial. It does not work. Emails rolling in. We Have NO SCHOOL. NONE for three weeks! THREE WEEKS! And just like that I become the home school mom I never wanted to be. The schools will send lessons home via the internet.

I slowly begin to freak out. Ever so slowly.

By Sunday reality is sinking in. I want to cry. I want to scream. I really want my husband to hug me and tell me it is a horrible dream. He does not do that. Instead he tells me to get a grip. Well not like that, more gently, but still.

I have been blessed with an amazing teacher for my second grader. She agreed to meet us on the military installation that we live on and (kids go to school on) and bring the lessons. She went all out. So organized and laminated work guides. I mean as I stood there listening to her explain what we were looking out I felt the fear sink in. I knew in that moment that I am not cut out for this next adventure.

My Amazing husband helped me work out schedules for the kids. They are realistic. They are within my range of capabilities.

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