For a Wednesday it wasn't half bad. My daughter dubbed today Wacky Wednesday due to the rain that was intermittent and then heavier on one side of the post than the other. A few minutes later it was sunny, but not for long.
My husband once again helped our daughter accomplish much of her morning math problems. We have one week's worth done. That for me is a huge success!. I feel fairly confident that my son is ready to go for his online school. For the most part it is set up and ready to go.
Today's only mishap was a schedule miscommunication with the husband. He mistakenly thought I would just be at home. Unfortunately, I had to drop off the hearing aide boots to my son's school at just about the same time the husband wanted us to see him reenlist. He got the time changed. I let the kids have a teeny bit of free time and just when I am combing everyone's hair, I receive a call from my husband asking me to buy a dozen donuts on the way. We begin the mad dash scramble out the door and to the donut place. Naturally the donut place had no donuts. I ran next doo to the gas station and bought donuts. The reenlistment went well, and I was beyond proud of my husband.
My husband decided to reenlist during a time when the world is chaos. We are in a grey area right now and still he made this decision. I am extremely proud of all he has accomplished and all that he has yet to accomplish.
I decided to actually brave the commissary today. To park my van, get the kids and walk inside. We did it too. We were only able to buy two packages of chicken. This was okay for me as I only wanted something small to eat when things at my house are far from this new normal. Because you see, while the world is grinding to a halt, many parts of our existence are not grinding to a halt. The kids and I must still watch my husband get dressed, eat with us, and drive off to his place of duty. I took a few brief moments to explain to my kids that their Dad is sort of on stand by because he might be called upon to go away. We don't know. It is how it always is. This is something we have grown used to. We watch the rest of the world struggle with canceled plans, disrupted vacations, and so much more. We not in sympathy and realize that our already complicated lives might get just a little more complicated.
The schools on post were handing out sack lunches. Since we were out, I took the kids to get theirs. What a blessing when we looked inside to see enough food to share with my husband. So we went back to his work and sat in chairs around his desk and ate a sandwich. Now I painted this as a pretty picture, but let me just tell you the reality. The reality is that after the commissary on the way to the school my son began to meltdown. He thrives on routine and for him home is supposed to be his down time. At the point we got the food he really wanted to go home, but my daughter really wanted to share with her Dad. So as we are driving across post my son is in the back whining. I mean almost dog howling whining. He was in tears by the time we arrived and he stood away from all of us sulking. He couldn't talk without tears. He was done. My heart breaks for him because I know how hard this transition is for him. I know that he will thrive on getting to stay home, but the having to do school work will bring him down.
Overall it was a truly good day. I did have a headache for most of it. I also tried to distance myself a bit more from fb and text messages. I posted on my fb that from 8 until 2:30 that I am unavailable for phone calls and text messages will be answered as I can. I need to focus on the school work. I need to focus on my mental health and that of my kids. I cannot control what is going on outside of my doors, but I can control what is going on inside of my house. I will also not be making any trips out during that time frame. I am hoping the weather turns nice again and we can walk our little Chihuahuas or ride our bikes.
Be blessed and know that hump day is done.
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