Thursday, you have not been so kind to me
Hurray! Online learning was official for my son today. The school district went live with their learning platform.
Can you say Confusing as Hell? It really shows that I am not computer savvy. All day I have been heard to say "Go back there, push that one, how do I go back to the other page? where is your email?" It has been a nightmare. I have called the school twice in near tears to calmly rage against the injustice of it all and they have been fabulous and outstanding. I also want to add that a child with special needs is not exactly cut out for all of this. I swear every five minutes he gets an email saying this has changed, this doesn't apply but this does. I know he is as lost as I am. I finally have what I think is a fairly concrete schedule, and I created him a little calendar with the virtual class times. I also gave him a folder with import paperwork we pulled off the Google Classroom site.
Now my poor little daughter. She is trying hard to work for me. But I am continually ask her to hold on, let me check on your brother. Where were we? I tried to make math a little fun. We used her multipliers and construction paper. She has been a real trooper with all the chaos.
I even managed to fit in a Zoom session with my Bible Study class. In all honesty this caused as much of a distraction as everything else. To begin with I had to download the zoom app, then figure out how to join, and finally how to mute myself. It was distracting to myself and my kids. I was hoping to listen while I assisted them, but that was far from the reality.
I still need to clean my house and do some laundry. I am thinking most of that will happen on the weekend. The kids will be pretty bummed about it, but we don't have much choice. Plus each one has a project that they will need to work on over the weekend.
Things to be thankful for today: I only have two little kids and only one of those is in a more in depth grade. My dogs are happy, my family is happy for the most part and healthy. We do have internet and we are getting a few things completed.
I won't lie and say that I did not loose my skittles, because I did a lot. I screamed into the air at the horrendous lack of understanding I have of all things computer. I railed at the nonstop stream of emails and text messages from the school and the post. I nearly cried when I could not get zoom to work or to find the link for my son's second Google meet. We did miss one because somehow in all of the time I was working with my daughter, and trying to read mails, and possibly checking FB I missed the email or link or whatever with the time of day.
I am extremely thankful that the school is offering free lunches. This gives us a chance to get out of the house go get food and never leave the car. Unfortunately I have to schedule time to get milk as we are nearing the end of a gallon. Tonight we will have an easy soup, this is something that will become a leftover and hopefully tomorrow will be much better.
We ended the day on a sour note. I let my stress at the situation guide my mood and when my stubborn 7 year old refused to cooperate, well I lost it. It was an ugly bout of screaming and many bad words. I felt awful after, and nothing can repair the damage caused by my instability. The truth of the matter is, I walk a fine line between sanity and insanity.
God Bless Y'all and may you succeed in all that you do
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