Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Chronicals of a Not so Ordinary Mom: More Changes

Hello Thursday, normally early release Thursday for the kids.

Last night the husband came in from work late, yes Happy Anniversary to us. In addition to being late, he had a box. As of last night he will be working at home and he will be on call. For the most part the "on call" should have very little impact on him. I took the news with mixed feelings. Yay he will be here should I need his help, and Really? As the night wore on I realized that this would mean even less free time for me to do as I please. It also will be a great time to work on our communication and parenting skills. Hopefully we both survive this.

I mentally prepared myself to the be the first one up, as is normal on any days off he has whether kids are in school or not. So this morning I hit the floor at 6:30, just seconds before his phone began ringing. As I am preparing to get a shower, he comes in to tell me it is 100% accountability via video chat. It was rather interesting watching him call his soldiers while sitting in the bed shirtless and slowly coming awake. Secretly I was glad this happened, so that he would be forced out of bed and it would not just be me going about the morning routine.

Once breakfast was over and cleared away, my sweet husband actually washed the skillets. Honestly though I think he did this to prove that he can wash skillets better than me. Shortly after, we had four computers on and all of us sitting around the table trying to get into the groove. Naturally we missed a video chat. This one was for my daughter. My husband's laptop wouldn't support Google Meet, mine wouldn't connect to the internet, the work computer wouldn't connect to Google. It all ended well, just before I blew a fuse. I will be honest, my voice began to get higher and the stress levels were rising. I rushed around the table to turn on my diffuser and then sarcastically, my husband states that the missing diffuser was really the issue. He begins to lecture about me getting everyone all worked up and causing him undue stress and the scaring the kids.

I ignored him and got my daughter set up to Google meet her teacher. My son began doing his work and endless Google meets. I think he was on that platform for upwards of 2 hours, though not consecutively. Guess what still isn't completed? Google slide project will be completed momentarily.

The kids worked hard, the husband, well I am not really sure what he was doing. He did do a little assisting with math or trouble shooting. I was able to do the scanning and printing of worksheets and signed forms for the kids. It is really more like I am mom, teacher, cook, maid, and secretary. My life is slowly becoming dominated my the kids and I am sure the husband before long.

Lunch break, my daughter asked if we could bike over to the school because it was pretty outside. I quickly agree and because there was a tiny chill in the air, my husband tried to say that we needed to ride in the car. Finally we pulled out the bikes and took the quick ride up to the school and back. Hubby and I ended up eating the school lunch and making the kids something else.

After lunch we got back to it. My poor son is working as hard as can be, but it really feels like he is treading water with little progress. I found out today that one of the things my daughter did yesterday, was supposed to be spread out over a few days. She made great progress on the math platform. By 1:30 it was really time to let her go. She was all worked out. I sent my son outside after his last Google meet, and here in just a bit we will knock out that project.

It is really nice watching the kids and husband play outside while I sit in the shade writing this. I look forward to our walk later and cooking dinner with the husband.

Please continue to pray for all those affected by the Coronavirus. Pray hard, the world needs it.

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