It is another Wednesday, another hump day to mark the passage of a week. A long week at that.
A fun fact, on this day eleven years ago I married my tall, dark and handsome husband. If you have read any of my previous posts, then you know our story. But if you haven't I'll just say we have certainly traveled down a winding road and ascended and descended a few fairly good sized hill. We have survived through the bad and seen the good on the other side. This year hubby is once again in the same zip code that I am in, but he is working late. Lucky him to be attached to the only Brigade at our location that is mission essential. I am finally sitting down to type this out after eating dinner alone with the kids.
The morning started off a little rough. My daughter just could not focus. The more I pushed and tried to engage her, the more distracted and upset she became. As for my son, my husband started him off with Google slides. Five minutes into the project we have tears. He couldn't tell us why he was crying only that we were not doing the slides the right way. He was not communicating with us and once we worked past the lack of communication issue it was smooth sailing. By tomorrow that project should be a thing of the past. One of the teachers that works with both my kids at their respective schools called for a video chat today. It was refreshing to catch up with her and to have someone that listened to my difficulties and challenges and offered up solid advice. Away we went to get the kids lunch and they loved the sandwiches. Finally I had a few minutes to scan several sheets of homework and get them turned into the Google classrooms.
Just before we began after lunch work I put both of our Chihuahuas on their leashes and asked my son to take them outside. My oldest son called and then I sat down with my daughter to get her started. Once I had her writing colorful sentences, I decided to check my FB. As I am scrolling through I see a lost dog picture in my neighborhood, I started to keep scrolling, but then I realized it was my dog. But wait I hadn't taken any pictures of him today, and why is he outside on the leash? Slowly I look up from my phone and over to the couch where I see one Chihuahua. My little girl dog has been a little more restless than normal. I look at my son who is sitting across from me focusing on his school work. "Where is Javier?" He looks up clueless or guilty, I am not really sure. And suddenly my daughter is shouting that her brother let him go when she asked him to look at a caterpillar on the trampoline. He is still trying to maintain his innocence. I am at a loss as I look at him and implore him to explain to me how on earth he goes outside with two dogs and returns with only one. How could he not tell me. He just shrugs "I don't know" "I was distracted" I frantically comment on the picture and send a DM, but I am beginning to realize that thirty minutes has passed and this person might have taken him somewhere as a lost pet. Then I notice that this person has a mutual friend. I call our mutual friend nearly in tears because my sweet Javier is gone. Shortly after our call she sends me the pick up address which is thankfully almost in view of my house. As I start to walk down the road I see a lady with a small animal carrier coaxing an animal out of it. I call "Javi" and instantly he is running to me. The lady and I chat a minute and I explain how this happened. My sweet Javi tends to be a wanderer especially if the kids are outside. Today he took advantage of a dropped leash and went on a stroll only to be apprehended almost in sight of home. The lady said that she was about to take him into the vet to be chipped, and this would have meant doggie jail for him. The rest of the afternoon he stayed on the couch and kept one eye on me at all times. I am so thankful that this had a happy ending. I am also wary of trusting my kids to take the dogs out.
We wrapped up school around 1:30 today. It turned into a beautiful Spring Day and I just could not see keeping the kids inside working on homework. The rest of the afternoon was spent outside with a the kids and a neighbor and her kids enjoying the sunshine. I am becoming accustomed to this new reality. It is not my favorite reality, but what matters most is that my kids are happy and healthy. My oldest is volunteering as a fireman with the rescue squad in our home county in TN. Unfortunately my sister will be unemployed by next week, I have a cousin who is also unemployed and here before long my son might also be unemployed. Let us all join together in prayer for all of those that are being negatively impacted by this situation. Please be with the Military Members whose movements are frozen for 60 days. This will include those set to leave for or return from a deployment.
God Bless!
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