Friday, March 20, 2020

Chronicals of a Not so Ordinary Mom: Day 5 breakdown

I started our day bad.

Guilt is washing over me because I completely broke down before 8a.m. I nearly cried. I did a lot of yelling. Most of this was directed at my undeserving husband. He is such a calm individual. I love him for the rational way he looks at things. Even with his offers of help, I was still so upset. I was resistant to his help. I had it in my mind that I absolutely must go to the store this morning and that was adding to the crazy. I even threatened to just walk out and head home to TN. The crazy inside my head is trying to bust out. I am loosing any sense of sanity that I might have had. I struggle with change. I struggle with computers and anything computer related. I already walk a thin line between sanity and insanity and this is pushing me over the edge. I was so upset that my husband kept telling me to control myself. He is so right. But how am I supposed to control myself when these emotions are boiling over and making me crazy? My awesome husband once again talked me down with his calm demeanor and took one of our children to work with him. I know how hard he works. I know how stressful his job is and I know that for the next little bit his work load will increase. Somehow this awesome man gets up everyday and does his absolute best to be positive and put a positive spin on things. For me to let crazy out of the bag, it is completely unfair to him and to my children.

Now I am off to work on a Google slide project with my sweet son, wish me luck!

Morning class with my son went okay. Either the school is not teaching him how to research or he is not paying attention. We did the beginning research for his project that is coming up. Watching this child attempt to type by pecking at the keyboard is excruciating! Thankfully not as many emails today. I think we actually made progress. I hope we actually made progress anyway.

Worked with the kids in the afternoon. My son did the rest of his work and my daughter did several online videos.

Took my son to Aldis to stock up on baking, sandwich and veggie supplies, then a much needed Starbucks run. Once we arrived at the PX and walked through the door we were greeted by a Solider asking if we had a fever, had been sick, been around anyone sick or traveled where there were active cases. After the questions our hands were squirted with hand sanitizer. I found the cleaning supply section and was greeted by what I am sure is the scariest employee they could find to monitor those aisles. Not much for intimidation and being followed aisle to aisle I decided to head on over to pick up my daughter and get the kids lunch at the school.

We are now taking the afternoon off and enjoying the nice fresh air outside.

Ya'll keep your heads up. It is true we need to let the crazy out of the bag from time to time. Unfortunately that is an ugly process.

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