Our house is always filled with sounds. I am sure even in the middle of the night there are sounds. We are a small family of four and one tiny dog that rarely makes a sound, but it still seems as if there is rarely complete silence in the house.
Morning comes and the sound of little feet and laughter come thumping into the master bedrooms. Shortly after the first set of feet, the second will come silently as possible into the room. Laugher will soon follow. Then the sounds of a shower. Sundays will have the sound of an electric razor. Every day there is the sound of sizzling bacon, frying eggs, a coffee pot. Weeks days it will be the Today show followed by cartoons. The bus blowing the horn. Trash days bring the echoing sound of garbage trucks thundering down the road picking up and dropping trash cans.
By afternoon the television has become background noise as toddle laughter echoes through the house. Maybe a lunch time conversation between the husband and I. Always in the background the FB notifications from my phone, maybe a text message, sometimes a phone call. Afternoons outside yield little more noise than traffic or the housing team cleaning carpets and cleaning empty units.
Weekends are noisier. With two children laughing, crashing through the house, the scratching sound of puppy feet fleeing from the children. Conversation, television whether it be from a soccer game, cartoons, or a movie.
By the evening food is cooking again. Pans clatter, plates lightly thud as placed on the table. Even more laughter. The sound of a washer or dryer, feet going up or down the stairs, the dishwasher. Kid bath time, which entails running and splashing water, and laughter. There is the sound of my son playing his tablet. My husband chatting with his mom in Mexico. Outside it is lite traffic, kids playing, women talking, delivery trucks thundering down the road.
My life is full of sound, without sound I would be lost. The sound conveys to me a sense of normalcy, of happiness, of plenty to eat and a house to live in with a car in the driveway.
Psalm 21:1 The King shall have joy in Your strength, O Lord; And in Your salvation how greatly shall he rejoice!
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