I am imaging a video of the kids screaming out "Poppy", but it probably will happen so fast that I can't properly catch the moment. I can't wait to hear his voice, to touch his arm, to let him drive the van home. He is such a huge part of our lives, and tomorrow night the void will be filled.
Now that I have the kids in bed, I can focus on this post and then I am going to watch a movie I recorded earlier in the week.
PWOC was so much fun today. I volunteered to help out in the home school room and there were 31 personalities of all different ages. At first I was overwhelmed as I looked at all of those young faces, but once the other lady came in I felt more at ease. It was basically just helping them do their school work, getting them a snack and a bathroom break before their Bible Study. It was some redirecting and a cuddle and some encouragement and even some listening. It was a true blessing to be able to stand in for someone and be with so many amazing young people. The other Aid was an Art Teacher and a Gym Teacher before coming here. She was really calm and collected and very focused. After hanging out with the kids, I went to my class. There were stories of how women should build each other up and not tear each other down. How we need to be more respectful of each woman's choice of parenting, whether it be breastfeeding or formula feeding. Same goes for cloth diaper and a host of other examples. We shared our stories of how we have been made to feel about our choices. We also discussed if we had felt more welcomed in the Military world verses the Civilian world.
My take on that was, when we lived off post in an apartment, yes I did. After all that is how I met fellow blogger Coffee Matters. Her and my friend named A brought my husband and I lemon bread. The banana bread recipe that I use is from her blog. It is www.caffeinatedarmywife.com. She is my go to baking advice friend. A is my support friend. She called me every day two years ago when my husband was deployed. But back to the support, since being on post I have met very few of my neighbors, most don't even wave back when you wave at them. It's odd to me because we are all from different places and we are all going through similar situations, so why not reach out to each other? I pray that God will help me to reach out to them that each time I wave that his love will shine through.
My son's therapy was a success, no toddler meltdowns from my daughter. A quiet afternoon was spent at home between PWOC and Therapy. I am fairly certain that Javier the Chihuahua is becoming my little doggie. He has been following me around everywhere. He is even beside me right now as I type this up. This is him from a few nights ago. I like having him around. I cant wait to hear him bark and to see him show some real personality.
I did get to talk to the husband, and tomorrow he will be here. I am excited. Tonight's supper was taco bell. I was having some mild issues eating that with my soft filling even with not chewing on that side of my mouth. No major pain.
I hope that when the husband gets back, I can keep up the kids get a bath every night, floors swept and mopped every night and work on my blog routine. It seems like it is harder to keep the house clean when the husband and kids are in it. It is also hard for me to carve out time for myself. I have already marked on my calendar that Wednesdays and Fridays are for school work only. I am going to try to keep those days morning appointment free.
Be blessed in all that you do
Ruth 1:16) But Ruth said: "Entreat me not to leave you, or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you lodge, I will lodge, Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God: 17) Where you die, I will die, and there will I be buried, The Lord do so to me, and more also if anything but death parts you and me.
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