Monday, February 23, 2015

Good Morning with Love

Today was an unrushed morning for me. I knew hubby would be running a minimum of three miles today, so I decided to make him something a little special.

 I started by chopping up tomato, onion, red bell pepper, half of a jalapeno pepper. I then added some olive oil to a skillet and let it warm up. Once warmed up, I added the vegetables and let them get soft. Once soft, I added three eggs. This is a loose version of Juevos Mexicanos.

I also made some bacon, but it was a little crunchy today, and some sausage. In a separate skillet I scrambled eggs for my daughter and I.

To top it all off, I made tortillas from scratch. Now that I have figured out how to make the mix, I actually prefer to serve these. It not only saves us at the grocery store, but they taste a lot better than the ones from the store.

The point was for me to show the husband some extra TLC, and to let him know that I understood how hard it is for him to get up early go run several miles, and then go to work. I try to cook something every morning for my husband. On the mornings that I can't, I feel like I am letting him down even though I know he is perfectly capable of cooking his own breakfast.

Because we cook breakfast so often, our kids don't like cereal or pop tarts much. My daughter thinks that pop tarts are cookies, and well, they really are.

Give your family a good start to their day if you can, and cook them a yummy breakfast. They will appreciate it.

I remember growing up with my mom, and how she rarely cooked breakfast. If she felt like it on the weekends she would make a blueberry muffin mix. It was one of those packaged ones where you just add water and it only made six. Or she might make biscuits from a can with sausage links, rarely sausage patties. Not much bacon was ever made in our house. Weekdays my sister and I were on our own. It was pop tarts or cereal. I don't think she ever didn't cook breakfast out of laziness. I think it was more that she didn't know how important it was or how much of a bond it could instill with us. She grew up with a minimum of love and didn't know how to extend the love to us.

My dream is to one day cook for her the way that I cook for my kids. To make her fresh breads and muffins and biscuits from scratch and eggs and bacon and sausage. I want to show her how food is a wonderfully simple way of expressing your love and gratitude for someone one. That a good breakfast prepared and served with family and friends is the very best start for any day. Sadly my Mom isn't well enough to appreciate this. She lives in a bubble where somewhere along the way she has convinced herself that my sister who rarely calls is the best daughter and I who calls all the time is conniving and a trouble make and not to be trusted.

It is my biggest prayer that my Mom can learn to forgive those who hurt her in the past, and to want to start over with my sister and I. I know that through God this is possible, I just need to keep praying for her, for our relationship, and for my Aunts who will be opening their homes to her soon.

Isaiah 64:8 But now, O Lord, You are our father; We are the clay, and You our potter; and all wea re the work of your hand.

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