Friday, February 13, 2015

Trial Run: Friday

Tonight is the night! In one hour the kids and I will loading up and heading to the airport to pick up my husband. We are all very excited. Today seemed like it took forever to pass. Up at 6:30 to get my son up, ready for school, and on the bus. Then my daughter and I chilled out for an hour before running to Walmart to pick up a few things. Then we came home.

I cleaned the house one last time before the husband gets home. Then I took it easy for the rest of the afternoon. I managed to take and hour long nap. I have decided that our little Javier is really into being next to me. He did his best to stay as close to me on the couch as he could. It was supposed to be cold all day, but this afternoon turned out to be warm.

The kids and I ate hot dogs and French fries and then we went to make Valentines Day Crafts. Then back home for showers and to sweep and mop. Now we are just counting down the minutes until we can go pick up Poppy.

We hung up all the crafts so Poppy will see them as soon as he gets home. Both kids are barely hanging in there, I think they would go to bed if we didn't have to leave. Of course the hubby has to come in on the latest flight possible.

I made a little pallet of blankets in our bedroom for the kids. I think since it has been so long since they saw Poppy, and he is coming home around bed time, that they can sleep in our room just this one night. Now my daughter is trying to do back flips off the couch. Yay!

Today has been a bad one for tooth pain. I am trying to stick to the Tylenol that is only 200 milligrams, but it really isn't cutting it. When my husband is here I am going to take Tylenol 3, because he can get up with the kids and I can actually rest.

This time away has been long, but I think it was good for me. It gave me a chance to work on my time management skills. I was able to focus on my blog. I even kept the house cleaner. I will be glad to have my partner back. He makes life a lot more fun. I freak out too easily if things start deviating from the plan.

Thanking God for providing him the opportunity to go home, to see his Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters, Grandparents and city of birth.

He called me from Houston and said that Customs took two hours to get through. He said that they were asking him a lot of dumb questions about where he had been and why and how long. When he showed them his military I.D. they changed their tune. It is sad because he is now a citizen of the United States, and a soldier, yet he is questioned and profiled a lot. Guess that is part of life though.

Ephesians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and have himself for her.

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